Saturday, October 27, 2012

Crystals & Minerals

   In Crystal Growth Lab, we made a solution by mix the mineral, then replaced this solution to the window,  to let them grow the crystal by the 10 days.  In each day, we need to measured the crystal, and to observed the crystal, like: color, shape. That help us to see how they growth, and wrote down into the data.

Mineral Properties
  Color - a color other than white or clear

 Luster - metallic: look like metal                      

  Non metallic: does not look like metal

Streak - scratch the mineral on the streak plate

  Hardness- soft and hard

 Cleavage- break evenly                         

Fracture- break unevenly

Mineral Identification                            


 * Nonmetallic luster
 * White- yellow streak
 *  Yellow to amber
 * Soft (2)
 * Fracture


 * Metallic luster
 * Green- black streak
 * Brassy Yellow
 * Hard (6.5)
 * Fracture

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