Thursday, January 17, 2013

Natural Disaster-Evidence

Evidence 1

   It shows Japan is locate on the 4 plate boundaries: Eurasian Plate, North American Plate, Philippine Plate, and Pacific Plate. When two plates are moving, it would happen earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Therefore, Japan is happen the tsunami most in the world.

Evidence 2

       This picture is showing the amount of the Tsunami happen in the Japan. The point is shows the most Tsunami happen is in the North East of the Japan.

This map is showing the countries that on the Pacific Ocean or close to the Pacific Ocean, there tsunami are more than the country that not close to the ocean

This graph shows the tsunami in Japan is more than the tsunami in other country.


Natural Disaster Video - Tsunami

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Monday, January 14, 2013


               Tsunami is a giant wave that cause by the earthquake under the ocean that makes the giant wave. This natural disaster can have many negative effect for our life. For example, submerge everything by giant wave; flooding; homeless; and etc. In my research I find the historical tsunami happened in the world. My first evidence that shows the Japan’s location can cause it has most tsunami in the world. My second evidence that shows the which city in Japan has most tsunami. If the tsunami continues for the next 100 years, that can make many countries or cities under the water.